Adjustable Laptop Tray for Monitor Arms NBH-7 Easy to align two screens for articulating monitor arms. from china(chinese)
Adjustable Laptop Tray for Monitor Arms NBH-7 Easy to align two screens for articulating monitor arms. from china(chinese)
Adjustable Laptop Tray for Monitor Arms NBH-7 Easy to align two screens for articulating monitor arms. from china(chinese)
Adjustable Laptop Tray for Monitor Arms NBH-7 Easy to align two screens for articulating monitor arms. from china(chinese)
Adjustable Laptop Tray for Monitor Arms NBH-7 Easy to align two screens for articulating monitor arms. from china(chinese)
Adjustable Laptop Tray for Monitor Arms NBH-7 Easy to align two screens for articulating monitor arms. from china(chinese)
Adjustable Laptop Tray for Monitor Arms NBH-7 Easy to align two screens for articulating monitor arms. from china(chinese)
Adjustable Laptop Tray for Monitor Arms NBH-7 Easy to align two screens for articulating monitor arms. from china(chinese)

Adjustable Laptop Tray for Monitor Arms

Easy to align two screens for articulating monitor arms.

The NBH-7 laptop tray is a popular choice for dual-screen working modes, providing a two-level height adjustment feature and compatibility with articulating monitor arms. It can be conveniently folded to save space when not in use and has adjustable depth to accommodate devices ranging from 12 to 17 inches. With its ventilated panel, the tray ensures effective heat dissipation, preventing overheating during prolonged laptop usage. Overall, the NBH-7 laptop tray offers a versatile and efficient solution for aligning screens, adjusting heights, and enhancing productivity in dual-screen setups.


Matte Black

Matte Silver