Work Hard, Play Hard

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Work and life are two major part in life. Many people confuse work with life - They are thinking about the play while working, but thinking about work while playing, making both in a mess.

People work in LUMI take “work hard, play hard” as their attitude, who push themselves in a career and are also driven to succeed at hobbies.

Work in C Major

Play a “Work in C Major” which is created by Lois from Business Development Dept. with ukulele, making our daily commute amusing and creative.

I'm running late
What to have for breakfast this morning
I haven't decided yet
The elevator is so slow
Let's climb the stairs together
But you say I’m crazy

The Creative LEGO Wall

Every year, team members in the marketing Dept. redesign their LEGO wall, and the theme of this year is Mario. They used classic game elements to show what marketing dept. can offer to our customers.

Change Gifts

Recently, team members in the visual design dept. got together to celebrate the upcoming holiday. What makes the dinner the most exciting part is changing gifts with each other. A bottle of champagne, a teddy bear, a pack of toilet paper, or a handwritten letter all have left deep memory and moved to everybody.