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The current global Children’s Furniture Market is predicted to increase from 29.4 billion USD (2018) at a CAGR of nearly 5% through 2025. Expenses related to Children in family budgets is an area that experiences little impact due to economic fluctuations. With moderate prices and an expanding product offering, parents continue to choose to invest in ergonomic furniture for their kids.

In addition to home furnishings, the educational furniture market is shifting to furniture that is more modern in appearance with ergonomic design such as adjustable height chairs and desks. Experts have coined ergo-classrooms as the “third teacher”, promoting correct posture during a child’s the growth years- where learning is more fun and efficient. These changes indicate a blueprint for a huge market opportunity.


Materials and Quality 

LUMI believes materials and quality are two essential elements that work hand in hand in the design of ergonomic furniture for kids. So, in addition to materials, our design engineers pay close attention to quality as it becomes the driving factor that determines which reseller the customers purchase their children’s furniture from. As an example, using safe 3D mesh fabric, which is a strong and breathable fabric, is one of the most often used materials in LUMI’s children furniture line due to exceptional wear and durability. In addition, the assembly of furniture should be uncomplicated, easy and resulting in a positive experience for the customer.

Functionality and Design
In addition to height adjustability, ergonomic children’s desks and chairs need to allow the child to adjust their position. Chairs should promote sitting at a 90°-90°-90° meaning the child’s elbows should be bent at a 90-degree angle, hips at a 90-degree angle, and their knees should be at a 90-degree angle, with feet flat on the floor beneath the chair. The chair should be width and depth adjustable with good airflow. Rotary knobs, easy-grip handless and self-locking casters are features found on premium chairs - providing a solid foundation for a child to work while preventing them from leaning back or reverting to bad posture.

The structure of the children’s ergonomic desk needs to also provide space for storage of work, accessories and other items including tilting desktops, bookshelves, hanging hooks, compartment drawers and expansion to add other accessories such as lamps or book holders.

For safety, all desk edges need to be rounded, knobs and handles that are easy to grip, anti-pinch design and a frame that is stable no matter what type of flooring the desk and chair are used on.

LUMI Winning Products
LUMI offers one of the broadest lines of Ergonomic Children’s Desk and Chair Sets. If you want an entry-level and affordable solution, the B301 Sweet Series set is the best choice.  The B301 is equipped with popular features at a competitive price.  The desk has a squeeze lever that effortlessly tilts the desktop up to 30°, a pull-out drawer and an accessory holder for options like lamps and book holders. Other ergonomic functions include an adjustable desk height of 547-767mm and an adjustable chair range of 320-440mm with inclined crossbar and footrest.  It’s the ideal set!

The E200 Series and E500 Series from the Giant Series are excellent picks for a step-up in style, quality and features.  The E500 Series offer left/right work surface options so that kids won’t need to adapt to the desk, rather the desk will fit their needs perfectly.

The E500 Desks are normally sold along with popular accessories including book shelf, book stopper and cup holder.  Accessories help kids keep a clean and organized tabletop while providing the ergonomic benefits parents like to see.  With great quality and functionality, the Giant Series is an excellent choice that will save your customers money over the long term.
Trust LUMI Expertise 
LUMI has gained the experience and expertise in the design and manufacture of ergonomic furniture for adults, teens and children.  Every product is quality tested with attention to details. Finally, LUMI’s Marketing team can provide the collateral materials such as brochures, hi-res images, lifestyle shots and videos that help you educate and sell to customers.  
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